May 18, 2011

Cal Student-Athlete High Performance Center

As I've been documenting Lindsay Gottlieb's transition as new Cal Women's Basketball Head Coach for Collegiate Photos, she and Jess had the great idea of covering her for the head coaches meeting and tour of the new Student Athlete High Performance Center, SAHPC.

Met at the women's basketball office and headed up to the International House, aka I-house, though not an apple product ;-) to meet with fellow head coaches: Cal Women's Soccer- Neil McGuire, Women's Crew- Dave O'Neill, Track and Field- Tony Sandoval, Men's Gymnastics- Tim McNeill, Men's Swimming- Dave Durden, Women's Swimming- Teri McKeever, Volleyball- Rich Feller, Women's Water Polo- Rich Corso and Matt Flesher.

After a quick lunch, High Performance Director Keith Power handed out vests and hats and Assistant Athletic Director Bob Milano Jr. guided the coaches on a thorough tour of the new facility underway.

We were able to check out the locker rooms, ice baths, meeting rooms, dining area, you name it!

There are lots of cool elements in place such as the Wall of Champions which will host display cases... hopefully with some of my photos =)

And along the corridor that parallels the stadium, they've marked where it lines up with the field, here, we are in line with the 50 yd line, how cool!

Despite being essentially underground, the SAHPC is designed to offer a great deal of natural sunlight.

And man, what views from the top! You can see the Campanile and can even see the Golden Gate Bridge through the trees.

It's crazy to think that it was September 2008 that I photographed the groundbreaking ceremony for the high performance center, and now it's all coming together!

Groundbreaking ceremony Sept '08

There's still much to be done, but it's certainly busy as progress is made everyday thanks to the hard work both on the ground floor and in the office to make it happen.

I can't wait for the SAHPC to be completed! It's going to be an incredible addition to the Cal campus!  Go Bears!

Big thanks to Coach Gottlieb for letting me follow her around and have this access... mainly because I love wearing a hard hat, especially when it has the California walking bear. See me in the reflection in my orange vest =)

Full set of photos up:


  1. Awesome indeed!

  2. Outstanding photos. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thanks for posting this. i've been waiting a long time for someone to put up new pictures of the SAHPC. For those of us who don't live in the Bay Area, we're grateful. Hopefully, you can continue to show the progress of the center as well as Memorial Stadium's renovation. Go Bears!

  4. wonderful photos.
    tell me you got to keep the awesome hard hat!

  5. Thanks guys! Was very cool to tour. Can't wait for it to be completed!

    I didn't keep the hard hat this time, but I did get to keep the same hard hat from when I photographed the groundbreaking ceremony in '08 =) Go Bears!

  6. I hope they'll finish that center immediately so that students can use it. It actually looks really huge.

    office space
